Category: Portfolio

Kurdoss Valentian, The Kraven King

This mini was a real pleasure to build and paint, and also a surprisingly easy one to do so also. Especially the blending on the flag was fun to do and turned out great in my opinion.

Infinity Operation Icestorm Ariadna

Here are some picture of the Ariadna faction of the Operation Icestorm set. I painted these miniatures in September 2016, when the set was just released. Back then I painted the miniatures to quite a high standard, so they went into the display cabinet instead of ever gaming with them.

Check the painted PanOceania faction here.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Infinity Operation Icestorm PanOceania

Here are some picture of the PanOceania faction of the Operation Icestorm set. I painted these miniatures in September 2016, when the set was just released. Back then I painted the miniatures to quite a high standard, so they went into the display cabinet instead of ever gaming with them.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Infinity Mercenaries VII

Another commission for the same customer who ordered the previous Infinity miniatures you can see on my website. As usual it was a mix of figures, some still in the blister, others already assembled or partially painted. In the end I managed to turn these into a consistent group with a good quality finish.

These are some of the miniatures I managed to identify. Follow the links to buy these at a discount:

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Space Marines Primaris Lieutenant with Power Sword

Tried a classic, clean paintjob for this Primaris Lieutenant. The base complements this pretty well in my opinion, it was painted using Vallejo Dark Red Ocre pigment.

Element Games - Wargaming Webstore